Herb Profile: Ginger
Experts in herbal medicine refer to ginger as “the universal medicine” (Frawley, Lad, 1986) for good reason. It treats a host of discomforts from nausea to migraines. Ginger is a popular flavor recognized in chai and Ginger Ale but is equally delicious in savory dishes like curries or stir fry. It has almost no side effects, so don’t be shy about incorporating this spice into food and drinks on a daily basis. The only caution is use in large doses for Pitta (fire constitution) individuals and during pregnancy. Dried, powdered ginger is most commonly used medicinally, and has pungent, light, and oily qualities. Fresh ginger has sweet, sharp, and heavy qualities, and is less heating than dried ginger. Typical dose of dried powder is 250- 500 mg daily. Try 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon per serving and notice the effects.
It is common knowledge to use ginger to treat an upset stomach, but it also works on motion sickness, nausea, general indigestion and even morning sickness. Small amounts treat nausea associated with morning sickness, but use of high amounts during pregnancy is not recommended.
Treat a cold with ginger – it dries and removes phlegm from the lungs
Ginger increases circulation – use it to treat cold hands and feet, cold and stiff joints, and arthritis
Ginger as a migraine treatment – use ginger powder in water at the onset of symptoms; take again if pain recurs after a few hours
Get rid of excess gas with ginger – relieves burping and flatulence
Balance blood sugar with ginger – lowers blood sugar
Ginger for heart health – works on the cardiovascular system, lowers fats in the blood, inhibits plaque on the arteries, and reduces blood cholesterol
Source: Khalsa, Karta Purkh Singh and Michael Tierra. The Way of Ayurvedic Herbs. Twin Lakes: Lotus Press, 2008.
This information is provided for educational purposes and is not a substitute for medical care. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Herbs are intended to support general well being. If conditions persist, visit your doctor.