“Yoga begins the moment you decide you want to become a better person.”

~Baba Hari Dass

Yama & Niyama | Code of Conduct

Asana | Postures

Pranayama | Breath control

Dharana | Focus, concentration, meditation


Beyond the stretching and strengthening poses most people are introduced to in a yoga class, yoga is a philosophy. Asana postures promote circulation and flow of vital energy and prepare the body to sit comfortably. Seated, the yoga practice incorporates breath work to still the mind. In a meditative state one can connect to their own true nature and higher consciousness.

Class Recordings

Practice On Your Own Time

  • Sun Salutation for Summer

    60 minute recording from the summer solstice. Breath work and meditation followed by warm up, sun salutations, deepening, hip opening, and legs up the wall to close.

  • Winter Solstice Practice

    60 minute class starting with breath and meditation. Asana practices include floor, seated, and standing work to build warmth.

  • Bringing in Light

    9 minute guided mindfulness practice for cultivating light, warmth, joy, and comfort. A nice routine for grounding during the winter season.

  • Vata Balancing Flow

    45 minute asana practice | Low, slow, flow perfect for fall and winter (vata season)

  • Intention Setting

    25 minute practice for the morning or any time of day you’d like to set an intention and do a short asana practice.

  • All Levels | 8.11.21

    60 minute practice starting with breath work and meditation. Asana includes seated and reclined warm up, kneeling poses, sun salutation.

  • All Levels | 9.1.21

    60 minute practice starting with breath work and meditation. Asana includes shoulder work, side bend, twisting, standing warrior sequence.

  • All Levels | 9.15.21

    60 minute starting with breath work and meditation. Asana includes side bend, twisting, plank, lunges, bridge pose.