A Feeling of Fall

It’s a subtle shift, but the light is changing. I feel the fire element waning from its peak earlier this summer. The sun is lower in the sky; it shines down on the earth for less time each day. Yes, we still have some warm days in store for the weeks ahead, but those are diminishing like the length of the daylight.

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 The plants sense the change in the light. Regardless of the fact that there are still summer temperatures during the day, the leaves are changing color and the garden plants are slowing their production.

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As we pass the equinox or time when the daylight and darkness are roughly the same length, the days will be shorter and nights longer until the next equinox in spring.

Lowered Light

I find this time of year to be very enjoyable. The sun sitting a bit lower in the sky casts a subtle glow onto the plants in the forest. The afternoon light is especially beautiful as I’m filled with a sense of comfort in the warm afternoon sunlight.


Making Space: Ushering in the Air and Ether Elements


The Fire Element